HOW TO GET MOTIVATED: Train Like A Ballerina

I came across this short inspirational video and thought I would share this amongst my BAPP network community. Louisa Paterson was a professional ballet dancer, who then went on to create her own business - Train Like A Ballerina. Since her dance career retirement, she now has a huge online platform where she mostly shares balletic-based exercises. You can find her on Instagram, and she also has a YouTube channel. @trainlikeaballerina


  1. Refreshing! So interesting to hear a a side of someone who has obviously had the 'stardom' and the career high that she was after, but wasn't sure where to go after that.. im sure a lot can relate to that, and knowing that she doesn't spring out of bed each day with a massive false smile on her face. Its ok not to be ok and also to realise that. But also to realise how to get yourself out of that slump as it were.
    Keep going as things aren't as bad as they seem. One step at a time.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this! :)


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