Ted Talk: The Three Secrets of Resilient People with Dr Lucy Hone

Here is another great TedTalk I think you will all enjoy. Dr Hone's story is so inspiring, and her learning process from her trauma is something that has grown into new-found knowledge. 

Adversity does not discriminate. 

How do you convert your academic findings and put them into practice, into everyday life? I have been thinking and reflecting on this question, in relation to my module and the BAPP course as a whole. I understand that it is important to not be afraid to place yourself in the centre of your own inquiry. Therefore, I need to think about how my research on the resilience of dancers has affected my practice. Do I better sense when someone is having a bad day in an open class? Am I more resilient now than before? Am I ensuring I am keeping a healthy mind during these tough times? 

6.30s into the video is when Dr Lucy Hone describes the three strategies to navigate you through tough times. 

1. Acceptance and acknowledgement of the situation as a part of life

2. Selectional attention. Focus on the things that you can change, on the positives

3. Is what you are doing helping or harming you? Taking control over the situation, be kind to yourself. 

According to relevant research, intentionally writing about three good things a day, deliberately finding the good things in life results in: 

1. greater gratitude

2. higher levels of happiness

3. lower levels of depression 


Hone, L (2019) The three secrets of resilient people | Dr Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch. 25 September. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWH8N-BvhAw (Accessed 27 October 2020). 


  1. Hi Serina,
    I watched this Ted Talk a few months ago and it really opened my eyes. It amazes me the resilience of people as a whole. I think the points you have highlighted are really important. I think the quote, 'if you aren't happy change it, if you can't change it, change your mindset on it' is something we can all work towards in our lives. Of course it can be very hard to achieve this and takes time and every situation is different and personal to the individual. I think it's also really important to allow ourselves to feel whatever we are feeling whether its good or bad but to try to not hold onto it and let it rule our lives. I feel like we need to accept what we are feeling is ok, whatever it may be, and to not judge ourselves for feeling a certain way. We are our own worst critics. These are just a few of my thoughts on it anyway! Thank you :) Alys x


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