Pondering thoughts in the dance studio

Yesterday was a day of feeling low, tired with dark clouds encompassing my mind. This was triggered by severe foot pain. My urge to cry in front of my colleagues and boss was one I did not want to indulge in. After some private tears, a snack, fresh(er) air and a quick chat with my mum, I felt slightly better. In the evening, I openly spoke of my feelings to my friends and we began to discuss if physical pain can be caused by mental trauma, and visa versa. Can prolonged fatigue, a lack of vitamin D, being in an environment of constant sweat and heat cause twinges and recurring injuries to feel a more heightened pain than usual? I am very interested in the psychological side of my practice - classical ballet. More blogs to come in the next couple of days... stay tuned if you are also puzzled by your own mind.


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